
One-stop solution automates data migration from XDCAM Professional Disc to Optical Disc Archive in combination with XDCAM Juke XDJ-1000

The XDCAM Compaction Solution package allows up to 65 Professional Discs to be copied to a single ODA cartridge, dramatically reducing space on your shelves.Professional Discs are formatted and ready to be reused.The package comes with XDCAM Juke XDL-1000 to copy from multiple discs, connecting to the supplied ODS-D77U ODA drive.

Automated compaction process can reduce unnecessary work

Transfer AV content with error checking to secure and robust ODA cartridge media

Copy up to 65 Professional Discs onto single ODA cartridge

Saves space and frees up discs to be reused


Connect the XDCAM Juke (XDJ-1000), connect the ODA drive (ODS-D77U), start the work
*法定计量单位换算关系说明:1英寸=2.54厘米 ( 1"=2.54 cm),具体产品规格以产品页面实际标注为准。